Thursday, November 25, 2010

A World in London (AWIL) Artists

Lani Singers from West Papua. Benny, Ritu, Maria

Amira Medunjanin (Bosnia) with Ritu

9 year old singer Catalina Bustos, Hortensia Celis (Mexico/Chile/UK) with DJ Ritu representing London's Mexican community and mariachi music

Kamel El Harachi with Yassine (Algeria) and DJ Ritu

Cypriot soprano and international star Katerina Mina in the studio with DJ Ritu

Perunika Trio with Ritu at BBC LDN Studios

Perunika Trio (Bulgaria), with Ritu at BBC LDN Studios
Tarkan with DJ Ritu

1 comment:

  1. Martin Reynolds a.k.a Deejay Gabriel26 November, 2010 18:15

    Lovely photos. How cool does Catalina look.
